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Results: 192

The current situation of childhood brain tumor long-term survivors in ...

Central nervous system tumors, represent the highest mortality rate of all childhood malignancies, Nevertheless, the number of survivors of pediatric Brain tumors continues to increase. Gradually improving survival rates and a growing population of long-term survivors have expanded the focus of research, Increased attention has been given to late ...

Targeting Glycolysis for Inhibition of Tumor Growth in Pediatric Brain ...

Pediatric brain tumors have limited responses to conventional therapeutic option and high mortality rates. Novel approaches to treat these and other forms of cancer involve targeting metabolic mechanisms of cancer cells from which they derive energy. These include aerobic glycolysis or the Warburg effect; named after Otto Warburg who first ...

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma.

In tumors like DIPG, the diagnosis itself spells a death sentence for the child affected. For several decades, none of the altered fractionation radiotherapy or additional chemotherapy or targeted agents have shown a significant benefit over conventional radiotherapy. We propose amalgamation of several known and tested hypothesis in DIPG ...


LAY ABSTRACT: Millions of cells are formed every day in the developing brain of children. Medulloblastoma, a pediatric tumor, occurs when the proliferation of cells in the cerebellum (a lower part of the brain) becomes uncontrolled. The Notch pathway is a key mechanism that governs cell proliferation in many biological ...

Epigenetic reprogramming as a treatment option for NF1

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is common, occurring in 1/3000 live births, and results in skin pigmentation and the growth of tumors along nerves in the skin, brain, and other parts of the body. It arises from a mutated and non-functional tumor suppressor bearing its name.  Tumors of the peripheral nerves, called ...