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Results: 192

Therapeutic targeting of NTRK2 rearrangements in diffuse midline glioma

Lay Summary   Diffuse midline glioma (DMG) is a malignant brain tumour arising in children representing a major unmet clinical need, with a 2-year survival rate close to zero. We recently discovered a proportion of children with DMG to have small genetic alterations in a gene called NTRK2. Although not ...

Clinical, radiologic, and molecular characteristics of anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas

  Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas (PXAs) are uncommon brain cancers in children and young adults. World Health Organization (WHO) grade II PXAs (low-grade gliomas), which account for most such tumors, can be cured by complete surgery. Aggressive variants (i.e., anaplastic PXAs), which are rare, were only recognized by the WHO classification ...

Targeting mitochondria-lysosome crosstalk as a therapeutic strategy for glioblastoma multiforme

Glioblastoma is the most common brain tumor. It is aggressive, and the therapeutic strategies focused on surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are unable to destroy the tumor, which typically reappears post-treatment. The regrowth happens because the treatments are not able to destroy the cells that originate the tumor, called glioblastoma stem ...

Exploiting the use of exosomal miRNAs from DIPG/DMG liquid ...

An unmet need in DIPG/DMG, is  the lack of reliable biomarkers. Those are urgently needed as alternative/complementary approach to neuroradiological imaging, not only for diagnosis but for disease monitoring. In this context, liquid biopsy could represent a valuable, non-invasive source for biomarkers in DIPG/DMG. From previous ...

Preclinical Investigation Toward a Clinical Trial of Combination, Multimodality Treatment ...

DIPG is an aggressive childhood brain tumor that is nearly always fatal. Although most past patients have died of the tumor pushing on the brainstem’s pons area, DIPG spreads to other parts of the brain and spinal cord, known as the central nervous system (CNS). To cure DIPG, ...